Subscription BenefitsUpdated 2 years ago
Currently subscriptions are available on iOS (Android in development).
Your PlantWave comes with many standard features:
PlantWave’s Standard Functionality
- translates plant biodata to music
- connects wirelessly to phone
- switch between sets of instruments (Soundsets)
- free iOS and Android apps
- change sensitivity of device
- built in rechargeable battery
- 24 hours battery life
- can be externally powered for endless listening
- broadcast your plant (currently iOS only)
- record video in app with plant music soundtrack (currently iOS only)
- record audio in app (currently iOS only)
More functionality is available with an iOS PlantWave Plus Subscription:
Plus+ Subscription Features
- additional soundsets and new soundsets monthly
- change tuning frequency
- record midi
- change key
- change scale (pentatonic scales)
Advanced use is available with an iOS PlantWave Pro Subscription:
Pro Subscription Features
- advanced scaling options
- create custom soundsets
- instrument editing
- master effects
- listen to multiple plants
- route plants among instruments
Get an iOS PlantWave subscription in Settings of the PlantWave app! Enjoy!