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Use PlantWave with a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)Updated 2 years ago

Connect to DAW via WiFi for the first time (Mac)

PlantWave can be connected to WiFi via a 2.4GHz network. Most wireless routers include a 2.4GHz and a 5GHz network. When setting up your PlantWave, you'll need to connect it to your 2.4 network. Once it's connected, you should be able to access it via both your 2.4 and 5GHz networks on your wireless router.

Note that holding the mode button for six seconds while your PlantWave is powered on will toggle on/off your device's WiFi

Turn on PlantWave

  1. Find the PlantWave WiFI on your Mac
  2. Connect to it (you will lose your Internet connection)
  3. Navigate to via a web browser
  4. Enter WiFi credentials for the 2.4GHz channel on your WiFi network
  5. Your PlantWave will now restart, signified by the lightshow on your device. The PlantWave WiFi network will also become inactive and disappear from your WiFi networks
  6. Connect your computer to your WiFi network
  7. Navigate to http://plantwave.local/ in a web browser
  8. You will now see you are connected to the PlantWave through your WiFi network
  9. Open Audio MIDI Setup on your Mac and navigate to MIDI Studio
  10. Click on MIDI Network Setup (it looks like a connected globe)
  11. Click the Plus (+) under "My Sessions"
  12. Name your Session and enable it by clicking the checkbox
  13. Find your PlantWave in the Directory
  14. Highlight your PlantWave in your Directory and then click "Connect"
  15. You will now see your PlantWave as a participant
  16. Go to your digital audio workstation, and you will see your PlantWave listed as an input.
  17. Make sure Track and Remote are both selected. This will send MIDI note and MIDI CC messages from your PlantWave
  18. Now you can set your PlantWave as an input on any of your MIDI channels, just like you would a MIDI controller.
  19. Add some MIDI Scalers and Arpeggiators and watch the magic happen.

Connect to DAW via USB (Mac)

To use this feature, you must have your device in MIDI mode. See the section, “Enable MIDI Mode for 3.5mm and USB ports” and then continue on with the below instructions.

  1. Make sure your PlantWave is ON before plugging it into USB (otherwise, it could go into USB serial mode)
  2. Plug your PlantWave into a USB cable and connect it to your computer
  3. Your PlantWave will appear in the MIDI settings of your DAW
  4. If you do not see your PlantWave listed, try disconnecting and reconnecting your USB cable. Note that restarting your device will not have an effect.

Connect to DAW via ⅛” (3.5mm) MIDI

To use this feature, you must have your device in MIDI mode. See the section, “Enable MIDI Mode for 3.5mm and USB ports” and then continue on with the below instructions.

  1. Follow the instructions for “Connect to a MIDI Synth” and connect PlantWave to your MIDI interface on your computer.

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